- Slow down:Life is not a race, so take it easy. Slow down a bit to be in the moment. Leave that earphone at home occasionally and listen to the chirping of birds, smell the flowers, see the carefree kid play and revisit your childhood more often. Take that window seat and see out rather than looking at your phone. It's worth it.
- Donate: Please donate the old clothes that you have in your wardrobe. They would look better on someone less privileged. Donate Books, stationary and other things that you don't require at home.
- Small steps makes big Impact: Do you love something but haven't pursued it as you don't get time for it. Why don't you do it in small steps. Let me explain. I always wanted to run a blog, my first post was in Jan, 2010 and it was followed by 12 posts in next 5.5 years.
I never had time for something I always wanted to do. But, I was wrong as we never have time, we have to find it. An idea turned me into a blogger. I had a vision for my blog that I would write one post per week, this way, I can write 50 posts in a year and in 10 years, I can write 500 posts and if I survive another 50 years, I can write 50*50 = 2500 posts. Now, this inspires me. I hope that someday my blog will be a thriving resource . May be it is the first step toward my dream of writing a book someday.
What is the result of this approach?
I realized that it was easy to follow my passion. I cut down on sleep (from 8 hr to 6 hr) and finish my lunch quickly to write in the lunch break. Result: In last 8 weeks, I wrote 194 posts of all sizes instead of 1*8= 8, as per the plan (published 143 and 51 are scheduled to be published over a span on 4 months till Dec,15).
The minimum cutoff is one post per week ensures that I don't have to bother about it and I write only for passion. - Write note and hide it: You can develop a habit of writing something positive or inspiring on a paper and hide it somewhere like on a fridge top, a drawer you rarely open, in a file, your purse, kitchen cabinet, sugar container, etc. Let you or your family find and read it while looking for something else. I am sure you will love it. It works :)
- Your biggest problems might not be that big: Time travel 20 years back and forth. Today you are 25 years old (assume), The regular supply of chocolates and ice-cream was your biggest problem as a 5 year old kid. Those problems are insignificant today, similarly when you would be 45 years of age then you would definitely laugh at your current problems. Feeling this way really helps.
23 Aug 2015
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