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23 Nov 2015

What will Robert Frost do differently if he is made the Head of NASA?

I think Robert Frost is the ideal candidate to answer this question. But, as this question presents an opportunity to me to express my wish list hence, I dare to answer this question.

If Robert Frost become Head of NASA
  1. I wish he will do something to predict earthquakes. I know  seismic experts are there to deal with it. Natural Disaster like Earthquakes claims many lives as no one can predict when they will occur. I hope, NASA can make it possible to predict Earthquakes through some satellite imagery or other advanced technologies, which are yet to be invented.
  2. Space Tourism- I hope he will start an annual program of space Tourism and could shortlist candidates for the same irrespective of nationality. This will increase the fascination for NASA  among the masses.
  3. Virtual Museum- I hope that he will start a virtual museum which will showcase the various interesting things from the numerous missions of NASA. A virtual museum can be very popular and will create awareness about the space programs.
  4. Zero Tolerance for Accidents-  NASA has very sophisticated safety standards, but still, we have lost few astronauts in the space missions. I am from India and can definitely relate to the death of kalpana Chawla. Hope, in the future, no casualty will occur in any of the missions of NASA.
  5. I hope him to introduce pollution free fuels for spacecrafts and this will result in less harm to our environment due to the  space programs. Some new fuels have to be discovered for this purpose.
  6. Working cohesively with ISRO: I know that relation of US and India are on peak . I hope NASA and ISRO ( Indian Space Research Organisation) will work more cohesively to create path breaking success.


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