She: I am a
26-year-old girl, sad, unemployed for the last six years, insecure, inferior
and clueless. How can I start my career?
Me: First of all, stay happy. Do things you have always enjoyed doing.
Just be happy from this moment. Count your blessing. Being unemployed is no big deal. We have a limited time on this planet so make the most of it.
Few ideas for job search
- Update your resume and covering letter
- Make your Profile on Job Portals like Nakuri or Monster.
- Apply for jobs
- Take an internship or part time job for the time being. It will bring a new hope in your life.
- Learn a skill or do a course on something you want to work.
- Many people are unhappy because they don't have a job and many others are unsatisfied because they don't enjoy their job. Without judging anyone I just want to add that stay happy and enjoy your life each day while working for a better tomorrow.
- I blog to make people realize that Life is beautiful
- If you have specific questions to enter a particular field, get it touch and I will try to help you out.
All the best!!
You can also refer My advice to a Software engineering looking for Job
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