Life is a beautiful journey full of chaos and adventure. So, fold your sleeves, come out of your comfort zone and try something you always wanted to do.

8 Mar 2016

I Am Selfish

While studying Human Behaviour & Psychological Patterns , I found that I am one such selfish person who rarely do any selfless act. Even when my intention and activities are not harmful but the acts are sheer selfishness. It is a bit embarrassing but I will not go anonymous.
Hence, I've a different take on this question and rather than judging the selfish acts of others...let me share some of the selfish acts in my kitty.
On Girls- I treat others with respect because of "My sister". The self is still here. It became a habit and is not that selfish compared to my other acts.
  • I respect stranger girls as I also expect others to respect my princess (sister)
  • The Crime against women would be history if people treat other girls the same way they want their sisters to be treated.
On Healthy Competition- Everyone can grow together incl. me, so nothing selfless.
  • Competitors are not enemies.
  • Life is not always about winning.
  • Rather than fighting against each other for a smaller pizza. Let's join hands to enlarge the pizza. Everyone will get a bigger share without fighting against each other. Win-Win Situation.
On Arguments- It's my selfish desire not to lose arguments/friendship
A friend asked something which I forgot to gave him on time. He snapped and was  angry on me. Rather than arguing,  justifying or replying back in same harsh tone, I cheerfully sent him what he wanted after some time. He apologized for his behaviour and was feeling guilty. When I look back, it was a selfish act on my part.
  • I don't get into arguments. Because I neither have the desire nor the skills to win.
  • I know that the friend might be upset over something and hence partly due to empathy and partly due to his friendship, I won't argue when he is angry.
  • I know how to have put a difference in opinion in a non-offensive way and so I chose my own peace of mind rather over heated verbal argument. At least, if I did have argued and lost, he won't have felt guilty.
On helpful nature- A underlying thought that good breed good for everyone including me. Nothing selfless.
If you've come across me or my answers, you might be knowing that I am helpful. I am popular among seniors as well as colleagues or entry level employees because I offer to help even when no one asks.
That's also a selfish act. In many of my answers I have encouraged readers to ask their queries to me. Many people have asked me questions via personal message and unless I failed to notice a message, I would've helped. This gives an illusion that I am selfless.
I am helpful but not selfless.
  • I don't expect anything from the person I helped.
  • Still, I've strong evidence that "What goes around comes back stronger?" and my helpful attitude might have something to do with this.
  • A Quora User sent me the compilation of excerpts from some of my quora answers along with personal remarks- Life is Beautiful. This post can be considered as a response to that.
  • My brother is currently look for Job. My sister is in a dream company. It gave me an idea to start a platform- Career Consultant where queries from seeker can be answered by others who have the expertise. I give career advice on that blog and somewhere deep down within my heart, I feel that the good wishes of those who get benefited might help my brother's luck who is already so positive even after going through so much struggle. He has been  looked down upon by others but failed to give up is surely an Inspiration for people looking for a job.

This is based on recurring patterns from my own behaviour.
The result was surprising for me as I never knew that I was selfish until I found out it some days ago. I learned that all my acts are selfish. Good thing is that my sefish acts are not so mean as I focus on higher motives.
I do things that do good for large audience-still these acts are selfish act. Only, good thing is that these acts are positive in nature and unknowingly create positive vibes in and around.
Help me know your views about this. Don't you agree that these are selfish acts and we all have to go a long way to do selfless acts.
I have never done any single selfless act. If you have done any then do share with me if you don't mind. Please help me on this project.
I will post about the lessons learned on Psychological Patterns

This is second post under the Theme- Shattering Myths- which is part of a personal project to study Human Behaviour & Psychological Patterns


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