Life is a beautiful journey full of chaos and adventure. So, fold your sleeves, come out of your comfort zone and try something you always wanted to do.

15 Jun 2015

5 Ways to be in the Present Moment

Based on the thoughts we have covered in the essay reflection on life, I am offering the following tips to be in the present moment.

Control your mind: The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. So, tame your mind so that it follows your instruction. This helps you focus on the present and concentrate on the thing at hand. The author of the book “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” has offered valuable tips to control and master your mind. To read his tips click here.

 Do what you love or love what you do: It is very important to enjoy what we are doing, else life will be very monotonous and lack-lustre.  Be passionate about something in life so that when you wake up in the morning then you have something very interesting to work on. When we are doing something we love then we focus on the task at hand and  be in the present moment.

Take Challenges: Keep challenging yourself to be in the present moment. It will bring a lot of spice and flavour in your life. It helps you to focus on the challenge and hence you don’t have time to think about other things which are not important in life. The challenge must be a bit tough and not a cake walk. Once you have taken a challenge then give it your best shot. But, at the same time enjoy the entire journey to reach and finish that challenge. Without you enjoying the process, the purpose of having the challenge is already defeated. This is my ninth post in my open challenge to myself to write 111 beautiful posts on this blog.

Think beyond yourself:  It is good to think about you. It’s totally normally to think about your job, your home, your car, your lifestyle, etc.  But once in a while do something good for others without expecting anything in return. It will really make you feel proud to volunteer for a cause you believe in. Take good care of your family and make them feel special for no reason. Also, we have some responsibilities for the society, the nation and the world at large. When you acknowledge these responsibilities and do something good for the society, nation or world. You rise above thinking about yourself and start to celebrate life like you have never done before.

Learn new things: If you are always looking to learn new things then you are helping not only you but also all those who interact with you because we learn and get much information from our friends and other with whom we often interact with. Always share your learning with others and touch someone’s life in a positive way.

BY- Rohan Sinha ( Click here to read more articles)


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