- Nice is not glamorous. It deserves to be ignored.
- Someone may put you in an embarrassing situation. But, you will politely deal with it without making a fuss about it because you are nice.
- You are upset over being a butt of jokes but you don't express your displeasure. You have a cult image to guard. But, you don't have to fake as you are naturally nice.
- You act decent and don't run to adopt the latest fad. You are outdated. People make fun of you, it hurts but you say it's ok after all you're nice.
- You deserve to be friend-zoned as you don't have what it takes to be a special someone. Hope you got that :(
- You know that life is all about people so you don't mind giving more than 100% in every relationship.
- You are forgiving of others and hence you have peace of mind.
- On a blue moon, someone realizes how good you are. Even a single genuine appreciation feels amazing and it makes your day, even week. You don't need loads of appreciation to be happy.
- When people go through a lean patch they like to be around you. You know that they will move on once their honeymoon period is over. But that doesn't bother you after all even trees give shelters to birds without any expectation in return, we are humans.
- Small acts of kindness by you like helping someone complete their assignments, giving a pleasant smile to everyone you meet, the positive ambiance you create wherever you are often go unnoticed but it really makes you a better person. Keep doing it. Well done!
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