Sleeping under the stars and asking a secret wish on seeing a shooting star
I still miss those days at a sleepy town where I lived as a kid. I remember the power cuts, the darkness and the fun. The summer nights were meant to be spent on the roof of the house.
It was an awesome experience to sleep under the stars. We used to talk about constellations, milky way galaxy, aliens, UFOs and stuffs like that. Then, it was a way of living. Now, it is a luxury. I have never been to the roof of the 20 story building where I am staying for last 4 years. I don't even know if we can go there or it is locked.
It has been long time since I have watched a shooting star. I have some wishes to ask those stars. Miss you :(
What a childhood I had...the golden 90s will always remind me of all the good things of my life.
Photo source- https://thestudenttribune
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