Background: TCS, Wipro and Infosys have organized a common interview for 5 Million candidates in the grandest job fair of 3 days.
Someone noticed that Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg were waiting for an interview for 3 days and hence they all three were sent to the same panel at the same time.
Interviewer: One by One all of you "Tell me something about yourself".
Bill Gates: Well my name is Gates but I make windows. Do I need to give more examples of my smartness.
Steve Jobs: You should have figured out that on your own. I am tired of getting asked the same question in each and every interview. You should innovate and ask something new... something out of the box. I am disappointed :(
Mark Zuckerberg : Hello I am Mark.....
(Interviewer interrupted him)
Don't you have any etiquette, How can you come for an interview in a T-shirt that you are wearing for last 3 days. Go change it.
Mark Zuckerberg : I don't have time to pick my dresses so have 20 identical T-shirts. You must upgrade your thinking as it is really outdated.

(Before the security came)
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg ran like anything
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