Be a child at heart all your life. When you do so your happiness will be dirt cheap. You need not run behind money. You will be happy in small things. You will not wait for a Car, Flat or a Spouse to make you happy. You will stop chasing and start living.
You will smile and play with kids, you will wholeheartedly appreciate others, will never envy anyone, will be at peace with yourself, will never worry about how you look because you will always feel beautiful.
You will be rich instantly because when the needs are less the means look more. Change the lens through which you are seeing things and from this moment you will be richer.
You will not use people and love things rather You will use things and love people.
You will smile and play with kids, you will wholeheartedly appreciate others, will never envy anyone, will be at peace with yourself, will never worry about how you look because you will always feel beautiful.
You will be rich instantly because when the needs are less the means look more. Change the lens through which you are seeing things and from this moment you will be richer.
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