Few tips that will make your life easier at office
- Never make commitments that you can't keep.
- Always Prioritize and do important things before they become urgent.
- If you are about to default on a commitment, call the person and explain him/her the scenario and convince them. Give a revised deadline.
- Always put yourself in someone else's position and think how your actions might hurt that person. May be your output will be input for them.
- Make a habit of being on time. Punctuality is underrated.
- Learn to buy time. Don't accept anything that is just thrown over you, negotiate with others regarding the deadlines to make it realistic.
- Be Proactive and identify the bottlenecks beforehand.
- Be Assertive and always be reasonable in your efforts as well as expectation.
- The learning from the book The Monk who sold his Ferrari will make your life simpler.
- Rather that worrying about others or the situation, change your response to it as you have the power to control the outcome.
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