12 Tips To Fast Track Your Growth In A MNC
- Change the rules of the game- Be a troubleshooter for your manager and team. People love those who are good at problem solving. Don't fall prey to the office politics. Be so good and strong that you can rewrite and change the rules of the game.
- Identify a Mentor- Find a mentor within your organisation or outside. It helps you figure out many things quite early in your career. I found my mentor in the form of my ex-boss who helped me learn from his wide experience and abundant knowledge.He nurtured me during my nascent years and has shaped me in becoming really strong in my domain and it boasted my confidence and helped me develop a positive attitude.
- See the bigger picture- A leader is a visionary. If you want to grow in an organisation then always understand the importance of your job. You job might be routine and mundane at times but if you understand the purpose of it then you enjoy it. Do a Project all by yourself to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your company and of your competitors. Identify how your company can bag that project they are bidding for. Make a Presentation or offer your inputs to relevant people in your organisation and they will appreciate it.
- Challenge Yourself- Everyone wants a cozy job and a fat paycheck. But, that can't help you grow. You have to stretch your limits and have to play hard outside your comfort zone to rise in the organisation. If you are getting bored of doing the same job everyday. Go and ask your manager for a challenging work that is yet to be assigned to someone.
- Outstanding Communication Skills- It is not about speaking fluently. You have to be a good orator, a motivator, a good listener and an ardent observer. You must be assertive not aggressive in the meetings and other team discussions. You must have excellent negotiation skills as well as you must be a team player. All these things can be learned. If anyone need help they can ask for that to me.
- Product Management and Project Management- You must learn the principles of product and Project management and should use it. You will be benefited when you go up in the organisation.
- Proactive not reactive- Leaders Identify potential problems before they arise. It helps in killing a problem when it is tiny. Else, it can turn into a monster afterwards.
- Inspire- You don't need a title to be a leader. A leader is a person who takes the initiative to start something new and interesting. You can improve the office documentation system, can take the initiative to volunteer for many causes. It helps you learn many things.
- Mentoring someone- It is always a win win situation. An IIT Kanpur undergraduate of Mechanical Engineering came for his summer internship to our office. As I am a mechanical engineer so we got some good time to learn and share our knowledge. He introduced me to Quora and Coursera among many other things. So, there is an opportunity to learn from anyone and everyone. We just have to keep our eyes and ears open.
- Positive Attitude- Management loves someone who has a positive approach. Client's don't want no as an answer even when something is like an impossible task. So, ask for additional resources, think out of the box, do something in a new way or find an alternative but make sure that you are trying your best to get things done even those which looks impossible. However, it is best to learn when and how to say NO without offending your clients.
- Be a jack of all trade and master of few- You are a developer but you should also learn a little of finance, HR, Sales & Marketing, Business Development, Tech Support, etc. When you are familiar with a little about many functions of the organization then you have a cutting edge advantage over others.
- Take the Elevator- Always avoid the rat race to climb up on the corporate ladder when you can follow these tips and take an Elevator. Please feel free to get back for specific help!

Image source- http://cdn-dev.mphoria.com
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