There is a popular story about Alfred Nobel . One day he came across the news of his own death and was dumbstruck to find that a newspaper misunderstood the death of his brother as his death. So, they ran a long story about Alfred Nobel’s contributions to the society.
Alfred Nobel was pained to read that the Newspaper wrote that he has made weapons of mass destruction which were more dangerous than those made by anyone else.
Alfred Nobel invented Dynamite and has earned his fortunes by producing explosives . But, he didn’t wanted the world to remember him for that. He was definitely not proud of being labeled as a Merchant of Death. He started Nobel Prizes which appreciate and acknowledge the contribution of the true gems of the society even after close to 120 years after his death.
By reading this, you might feel that he was selfish. But, I see that he took charge of his life. He couldn't undo his past but definitely he did what he thought was best for him, his country and the world at large.
He gave me the confidence that I can take charge of my life and do something incredible to leave this world a little more beautiful than I found it. “There is never too late to do anything that we want to do”
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