Life is a beautiful journey full of chaos and adventure. So, fold your sleeves, come out of your comfort zone and try something you always wanted to do.

28 Feb 2016

What goes around comes back stronger

What goes around comes back stronger- I received this from a fellow Quora User

"" Mr.Rohan Sinha.. ""

I used to have class at 6.00 pm..
At 5:30 pm..,
I've seen this mail in my gmail...
"Rohan Sinha followed you on Quora_DEC 21,2015"


I really felt Happie...:) :)
Their was a blush on my face and I'm writing message to you..
But my net was very slow... I've typed that message 3 times...
( But unknowingly..,I have sent the same message 3 times :P )

Two answers made me follow you..

1. What advantages do women have that men don't?

The biggest advantage is that they can be a MOTHER, we can't. When ever I hide something from Mom, she says, I know you for 9 more months than your Dad, you can fool him, but not me. True!

2.Who is your inspiration, and why?
Book says, "Welcome to our beautiful world and get lost in the process to find yourself". 
Paper says, "Be my best friend forever". 
Birds says, "Spread your wings and fly like us". 
Clock says that the best is yet to come.
 Calendar says that don't make promises that you can't keep. Please stop making same
 new year resolutions every year. 
Mirror says that look within as most of the answers are lying deep within yourself.
 Dustbin says that it's my job to pick dirt, you needn't do my job. 
Doormat says that I'm destined to be used, not you. 
Pillow says that I'm always your companion. Tell me your secrets .
 Home says that there is no place like me. 
Fog says that when you will insist, I have to pave way for light. 
Heart says that I'm delicate, handle with care. 
Mind says that let me have enough rest, restless fellow. 

Some Sentences I Like From Your Answers..!!

I respect stranger girls as I also expect others to respect my princess.

The Crime against women would be history if people treat other girls the same way they want their sisters to be treated.

Life is like a house of 1000 mirrors. It shows our own reflection.

Life is neither tough nor easy. It depends on your perception whether you find it tough or easy.  Today your mood is good and you find life as easy while yesterday you were upset and felt life was tough. 

Issues are not forgotten but buried. They come to surface even after 6 months to make a point and beat us.

 Impression is like a Mask. Someday, it will tear apart. So, its better to "Be yourself".

Get out of your comfort zone and follow your heart. Always.

( )
Be mysterious. The less the world knows about you, the more they carve to know

Challenge yourself and you would get power to achieve it. 
Miracles do happen, you just need to believe.
Now, when the Mom's love is loud and clear. I fail to notice that Dad is loving and probably he loves me more than he loves my siblings.
That blanket reminded me of thousands of similar incidents since childhood. His love and care is mute and hence often go unnoticed.

Confidence makes you look more beautiful. I'm serious.

Be yourself. When you're comfortable in your skin. You're beautiful.

"He was happy to meet his first love after 15 years but his heart broke when she told that you were my first love".

Life is full of twists and turns. It is better to speak up our mind rather than living in our head.


 competitors are not enemies. Life is not always about winning.  So much to learn from the little angels.

You are amazing just the way you are..!!
I'm glad to meet a genuine person like you .! :)

Thank You ..!! :)
