Life is a beautiful journey full of chaos and adventure. So, fold your sleeves, come out of your comfort zone and try something you always wanted to do.

30 Jun 2015

Quora has been the best social network site for me

Photo Credit- Unknown source on Internet

The identity Quora gave me with 10 followers within few days is 100 times more that the collective contribution of my profiles on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and Blogger combined for several years.

Thank you Varun Rai, for letting me know about Quora. All credit to you for informing me about this wonderful platform. You came as a summer Intern and literally changed my life. You IITians are really sharp. When people waste their time on other network you guys are learning and sharing knowledge on Quora. Thank you all the Quorans, who doesn't distinguish between good answers from new members and seasoned members. Quora is a blessing for me. Quora is going to change the rules of the game called Social Networking.

You can see the tangible difference that Quora has brought in my life. Quora has given me bigger and better audience to showcase my talent. I have only 10 followers on quora but the kind of response I get there is overwhelming. I have faced apathy on other platforms. Writing is my passion. But I have never ever got the platform to showcase my talent on other places. Here is my experience with various social media platforms:
  1. I tried on Twitter but failed miserably to get any attention. I felt everyone was there to promote one thing or another. Someone who is not a celebrity has a tough time on Twitter.
  2. I tried posting on Facebook, but quickly realized that very few of my friends were interested in long posts. I realized it is good for giving birthday and wedding wishes.
  3. I tried LinkedIn. I completely screwed myself by unknowingly spamming. I have mistakenly sent request to my entire mail list but there is no option to call back those requests. I contacted LinkedIn but they seemed less interested to solve my problem.
  4.  I was in a big soup as it was very embarrassing to see that your colleagues are getting reminders every now and then that you are waiting for their response. LinkedIn was giving reminders to my Office boy that I am eagerly waiting to add him on my professional network.
  5. Finally I have spent 7-8 hours to manually delete each and every request one by one as they don't have facility to remove invitations in bulk. Full funny narration is at Don't mess up with LinkedIn by Rohan Sinha on Life Journal: Life is beautiful 
  6. I am running a blog Life is Beautiful on blogger but the response is nothing compared to that on Quora. You can see the following stats and decide yourself regarding the tangible results I got from Quora. 
a)       What's wrong with Flipkart (5300+ views, 150+ up votes ). The answer adopted from my blog post Come on Flipkart...overcome this communication problem and give me a hug? which has just 52 views and no likes.
b)     Kota, IIT and Unfulfilled Dreams  (3500 views, 50+ up votes ) adopted from my blog post Kota, IIT and the Unfulfilled Dream
c)      Seven Tips from a Startup Evangelist to Budding Entrepreneur ( 168 views on Blogger, 78 View on LinkedIn)

Thank you all the Quorans who are responsible for this which is nothing short of miracle for someone like me with few friends on social network platforms.

BY- Rohan Sinha



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